Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute has chosen the DPW PHOTOMOD to support natural resource and land-use decision making.

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PHOTOMOD 8.0 New version of the photogrammetric platform

PHOTOMOD 7.51 New version of the photogrammetric platform

PHOTOMOD 7.5 New version of the photogrammetric platform

Representatives of Company Racurs participated in the All-Russian Research and Practice Conference "Territorial Development Management: strategy, tactics, regulation, reconfiguration", which took place in Omsk on August 22-26, 2023

PHOTOMOD 7.4 New version of the photogrammetric platform

Specialists of Racurs Company took part in the symposium “Earth and Space Technology for Knowledge of the Land” held in Kasetsart university (Bangkok, Thailand).

The upgraded photogrammetric platform, PHOTOMOD 7.3, is now available: new functions and reliability

The new build of PHOTOMOD Radar 2.0.1 for SAR data processing is available

PHOTOMOD Radar software supports GaoFen-3 SAR images

The upgraded photogrammetric platform, PHOTOMOD 7.2, is now available: new functions and reliability

The Photogrammetric Platform Strategy Approach. GIM - Issue 7 - 2021.

RACURS has announced the PHOTOMOD purchase and upgrade special offer.

Our upgraded photogrammetric platform, PHOTOMOD 7.1, is now available: new functions and software

The new version PHOTOMOD Radar 2.0.1 for SAR data processing.

RACURS has signed a distribution agreement with Capella Space.

The Joint International Scientific and Technical Conference “DIGITAL REALITY: Geospatial Data and Technologies” was announced by JSC Racurs and JSC Roscartography.

2020 Year Review. A year that long be remembered.

PHOTOMOD Radar software for Sentinel-1 data processing

The production project for the processing of more than 100,000 UAS images

Our new generation photogrammetric platform, PHOTOMOD 7.0, is now available

Date: 20 september 2019

Type of publication: news

The Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI) was established in 2007 as a not-for-profit society, non-regulatory, arms-length Institute that uses a federated and distributed service model, delivered jointly by the University of Alberta, the Royal Alberta Museum, and Alberta Innovates Technology Futures. The ABMI mandate is to operate science-based biodiversity monitoring program and open-access services for the province of Alberta. 

The mission of the ABMI is to support natural resource decision-making by providing relevant, timely and credible open-access scientific knowledge on the state of Alberta’s environment. To fulfill its mission, the ABMI is committed to scientific credibility and innovation, as well as knowledge translation to increase “bio-literacy” in the public.

The ABMI will use the PHOTOMOD Software to produce open-access, non-commercial products to be publicly delivered to student, academia, government, general public and stakeholders. Specifically, the software will be used to develop the following:

• Province-wide, high resolution, historical orthophoto mosaics to use as a human footprint digitization source;

• Stereo models from historical imagery to map wetlands and topography to reference conditions;

• High density point clouds from aerial photographs to analyze human footprint regeneration.

PHOTOMOD education license was delivered by Racurs’ dealer in NA – boodmoe company. The Education Support Program is offered for educational and scientific institutes all around the World. For today more than 50 organizations have joined the Program. We are pleased to welcome Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute to be a part of the Program.