Free tools
PHOTOMOD Radar Viewer — free version of PHOTOMOD Radar for SAR images viewing
PHOTOMOD Radar Viewer is intended for viewing, export and import the Earth surface images, acquired by space synthetic aperture radar sensors Sentinel-1, KOMPSAT-5, ICEYE, Capella, TerraSAR-X, ERS-1/2, Radarsat, Almaz-1, SIR-C/X, etc, as well as the raster images in formats USGS, GTOPO30, GeoTIFF, Tiff and BMP.
PHOTOMOD DirectGeoreferencing — calculations of estimating accuracy assessment of terrain measurements
Calculations of estimating accuracy assessment of terrain measurements are performed with images on the base of a survey geometry (a height of flight, an overlap, camera parameters) and a specified accuracy of exterior orientation (EO) parameters.
PHOTOMOD Datum Parameters — calculations of datum parameters
Calculation of datum parameters — allows to calculate parameters of datum using two set of identical points in different coordinate system. In each set should be at least 3 points. These parameters include scale, 3 angular rotation parameters, 3 linear offset parameters.Download

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If you select more than 1 license, the displayed price is NOT multiplied, because we have a system of discounts for every second, third, etc. When creating the Order, a field with the number of licenses should appear and the inscription: "The given price corresponds to the cost of one license, the calculation of the full cost of the order is made by the company's specialists according to the discounts: 2nd copy - 10%, 3 copy is 12.5%, 4th copy is 15%, 5th copy is 17.5%, 6th copy is 20%, more is available on request. "
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