The National Technical University of Athens becomes the official partner of the 18th International Scientific and Technical Conference “FROM IMAGERY TO DIGITAL REALITY: ERS & Photogrammetry”.
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The new name of our annual conference — “FROM IMAGERY TO DIGITAL REALITY: ERS & Photogrammetry”.
Date: 7 june 2018
Type of publication: conference
The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) is among the oldest higher education institutions of Greece and the most prestigious among engineering schools. It was founded in 1837 as a part-time vocational school named Royal School of Arts which, as its role in the technical development of the fledgling state grew, developed into Greece's sole institution providing engineering degrees up until the 1950s, when polytechnics were established outside Athens. Its traditional campus, located in the center of the city of Athens. NTUA includes 9 Schools: Applied Mathematics and Physics, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, Chemical Engineering, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering.
The School of Rural And Surveying Engineering (SRSE) was founded in 1917 under the title of "Higher School of Surveying Engineering". Initially, three years of study were required to obtain a diploma, in 1930 this was increased to four years (five years since 1982) and the title was changed to "Higher School of Rural and Surveying Engineering". The School includes Laboratory of Photogrammetry which is assignment to fully educate and train the students on Photogrammetric issues, encouraging also relative research. At the same time, the Laboratory's infrastructure is constantly updated and improved, in order to serve its objectives in the above mentioned sectors.

Research in the Laboratory of Photogrammetry, is carried out by the staff of the Department of Topography relative to the thematic area of Photogrammetry. It consists of research projects funded by various sources, of independent scientific research and of PhD Theses supervision and elaboration. The results of all that research activity, is presented in the publications of the members of the Laboratory. The Laboratory of Photogrammetry is aiming to "produce" new knowledge and to educate new theoretical and practical Photogrammetry researchers, through basic and applied research procedures. More specific, research issues are digital cartography and automations, measurements on simple images, large scale surveying, G.I.S. applications, etc. The director of the laboratory is Prof. A. Georgopoulos.