The 17th International Scientific and Technical Conference “FROM IMAGERY TO DIGITAL REALITY: ERS & Photogrammetry” has successfully come to the end!
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The new name of our annual conference — “FROM IMAGERY TO DIGITAL REALITY: ERS & Photogrammetry”.
Date: 23 october 2017
Type of publication: conference
Technology develops most successfully when specialists exchange information freely; one of the most unique aspects of this conference is its international reach. Over its sixteen-year history, the conference has been held in fourteen and has hosted participants from thirty-five countries.
This year Israel was chosen as a venue of the conference. The importance of this state in the world scientific and technical achievements is undeniable; Israel is rightfully included in the Top-5 most innovative countries in the world in accordance with Bloomberg. The well-known Israel companies such as VisionMap, OFEK, Eternix, ImageSat and many others occupy deserved place in the world geomatics market.
This year, the name of our annual conference was changed to “FROM IMAGERY TO DIGITAL REALITY: ERS & Photogrammetry” in order to reflect current trends in visualization and use of spatial information.
Digital reality is measured spatial information that is used in almost all directions of society's technological developments, be it land management, navigation, autonomous transport systems, smart cities, robotic technologies, and much more. Digital reality provides cartographic basis for the Internet of Things, and it allows building space-time models for sustainable development of society.
This new conference name significantly widens the theme of the conference. We are sure that it will contribute to the growth of interest in Earth remote sensing and photogrammetry technologies, attracting new participants to the conference.
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