PHOTOMOD Users Experience

Section: user experience

Digital Photogrammetric Workstation PHOTOMOD | Aerial Image Processing | 3D Modeling | Archeology | Architecture and Construction | DEM/DTM creation | Education | Forest Management | Mapping and Cadastre | Medicine | Monitoring | Road Building | Sattelite Image Processing | UAS Data Processing


 New! Limitations of high resolution satellite stereo imagery for estimating canopy height in Australian tropical savannas. Grigorijs Goldbergs, Stefan W. Maier., etc. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 75, March 2019, Pages 83-95.

 Technological Capabilities of DPW PHOTOMOD 6.0: Practice Implementation In the Cartographic Production. Diana Khaydukova. 2015. (150 KB, PDF)

 PHOTOMOD SW to Support the Studies, Preservation and Protection of the Calabrian Coast. Giuseppe Mezzatesta, Chief Executive, Reggio Calabria Province, Italy, 2013, (15 MB, PPS)

  Research in Hands-Free Control of Digtal Photogrammetric 3D Measurements. E. Levin (1), A. Grechishev (2),C. Gao (1), J. Carter(1). 1) Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, USA; 2) Moscow State University of Geodesy, Moscow, Russia. 2012. (202 KB, PDF)

  Results of the Processing Remote Sensing Data of the Extraterrestrial Territories. A.V. Grechishchev, I.P. Karachevtzeva, I.E. Nadezhdina, V.S. Patzyn. Moscow state university of the geodesy and cartography (MIIGAiK), Moscow, Russia. 2012. (350 KB, PDF)

  PHOTOMOD — a Software System for Planetary Image Analysis. A. Grechischev, A. Zubarev, I. Nadezhdina, V. Patraty, L. Shishkina. MExLab (MIIGAiK Extraterrestrial Laboratory), Moscow, Russia. 2012. (224 KB, PDF)

 First research experiences with PHOTOMOD at the laboratory of photogrammetry. A.Georgopoulos, Ch. Ioannidis, S. Tapinaki, S. Ioakeim, I. Papageorgaki, National technical University of Athens, Greece, 2009. (17 KB, PDF)

 PHOTOMOD in Bulgaria. I. Katzarsky, GIS Sofia Ltd., Bulgaria, 2009. (20 KB, PDF)

 On-line integration of photogrammetric systems and spatial databases for producing structured and consistent data for GIS. S. Hosseinian, H. Ebadi, F. Farnood. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008.

 Principal directions of development of photogrammetry in Estonia. N.Liba, I.Yarve, Estonian University of Life Sciences, 2008. (1,7 MB, PDF)

 PHOTOMOD in Lithuania: step-by-step. G. Rumsas, Institute of Aerial Geodesy, Lithuania, 2008. (1,7 MB, PDF)

 Meridian+: results of the first year working in Tula. L.I. Afanasyeva, Meridian+, Russia, 2008. (1,7 MB, PDF)

 Practical application of PHOTOMOD GeoMosaic module. E.R. Babeeva, Aerogeofot ltd, Russia, 2008.(1,7 MB, PDF)

 Using remote sensing data and PHOTOMOD software for land use tasks in Belarus Republic. Neufeld I.G., Belgiprozem, Belarus, 2007. (178 KB, PDF)

 About organizing of photogrammetric production office of Meridian subsidiary in Tula city. Afanasieva L.I., Meridian+, Tula, Russia, 2007. (232 KB, PDF)

 RACURS Co. in Bulgaria. Ivan Katzarsky, GIS SOFIA Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria, 2007. (265 KB, PDF)

 Digital photogrammetric system PHOTOMOD in SurgutNefteGaz Company. Razumova Ya.V., Senior engineer SurgutNefteGaz Company, Russia, 2006. (133 KB, PDF)

 Close-range photogrammetry with amateur camera. Dimitar Jechev. ISPRS, Commission V, WG V/4. Istanbul, 2004, pp. 136-138.

 PHOTOMOD application in West-Siberian land mapping enterprise Sibzemkadastrsyemka. A.P. Makarov, L. V. Bykov, T. V. Osintseva, West-Siberian Land Mapping Enterprise Sibzemkadastrsyemka, Omsk, Russia, 2004. (131 KB, PDF)

 Digital photogrammetric system PHOTOMOD in SevZapGeoInform Center. A.S.Erchov, Deputy Director, SevZapGeoInform Center, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2004. (105 KB, PDF)

 PHOTOMOD in Belarus. M.Y.Tarakanov, Informational Center on Land-cadastre and Land monitoring, Minsk, Belarus, 2003. (133 KB, PDF)

 On customization of PHOTOMOD in Iran. Mehdi Boroumand, Alireza Bahrami, Mohammadreza Afshar, NPR Co., Iran, 2003. (281 KB, PDF)

 Digital photogrammetry in GIS Sofia Ltd. Vanya Petrova, Mila Koeva, GIS SOFIA Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria, 2003. (214 KB, PDF)

 Algunas experiencias con procedimientos accesibles de fotogrametria digital. Sergio Alfredo Sosa. Mapping, ISSN 1131-9100, #81, 2002 , pp. 58-67

 Resultados experimentales de levantamientos con camaras digitales no metradas. Dr. Ciro de la Concepcion Diaz Hernandez. (419 KB, PDF)

Aerial Image Processing

  Using PHOTOMOD Digital Photogrammetric Suite for Processing Aerial Imagery of Industrial Areas. R. Zhetpissov, JSC “Kazgeocosmos”, Almaty, Kazakhstan. 2013. (1.3 MB, PDF)

 City of Badajoz (Spain) at years 1945 and 1956. Francisco Bascon Arroyo. PHOTOMOD Lite Contest 2012.

 Accuracy of PHOTOMOD aerial triangulation. Ivan Katzarsky, Vania Petrova, GIS SOFIA Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria, 2007. (280 KB, PDF)

 Airborne data application for engineering tasks by the example of Norilskgazprom gas-condensate fields. V.G.Kharitonov, M.O.Gromov, GEO Company, Omsk, Russia, 2004. (134 KB, PDF)


 Generation of a digital elevation model of the Wadi Lebda basin, Leptis Magna — Lybia. Andrea Bondi, Irene D’Urso, Matteo Ombrelli e Paolo Telaroli (Thetis S.p.A.), Luisa Sterponi e Cesar Urrutia (Spacedat S.r.l.), Water Calesso (Marco Polo Storica Ltd.). 2011. (8,8 MB, PDF)

 The experience of practical using PHOTOMOD in researching the archeological monuments of Volga-Ural region. M. Burlakova, Yu. Sivitskaya, R. Singatulin, Saratov State University, 2010. (2,5 MB, PDF)

Architecture and Construction

 Photogrammetric Measurement of the Classic Marathon Course. Ino Papageorgaki, Sevi Tapinaki, etc. DIGITAL HERITAGE. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6436/2010. Pp. 85-98, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16873-4_7. (1,1 MB, PDF)

 Peculiarities of photogrammetrical processing of ground stereo images of common survey in PHOTOMOD. A. P. Mikhailov, MIIGAIK, Russia, 2009. (119 KB, PDF)

 Photogrammetric work on sculpture reconstruction. Michailov A.P., Chibunichev A.G., Kurkov V.M., MIIGAi), Moscow, Russia, 2004. (1,6 MB, PDF)

 Measuring and mapping of architectural constructions fronts using digital camera. A.P.Mikhailov, V.M.Kurkov, MIIGAIK, Russia, 2003. (179 KB, PDF)

DEM/DTM creation

  Quality assessment of high density digital surface model over different land cover classes. I. Balenovic, H. Marjanovic, D. Vuletic, etc. PERIODICUM BIOLOGORUM. VOL. 117, No 4, 459–470, 2015. (2.4 MB, PDF)

 Creation of Digita l Surface Models using Resurs-P Stereo Pairs. Alexey Peshkun. 2015. (320 KB, PDF)

  Application of Resurs-DK1 Spacecraft Images for 3D Digital Terrain Model Construction. A.A. Peshkun, A.S. Shokol. Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring, Moscow, Russia. 2012. (143 KB, PDF)

 Measuring surface geometry of airplane wing by means of two methods. Domantas Brucasa, Jurate Suziedelyte-Visockiene. Aviation. Volume 13, Issue 2, 2009. Pp. 44-49.

 Investigation of accuracy for digital elevation models generated with different methods in photogrammetry H.Karabork, F. Yildiz, E. Coskun, etc. ISPRS 2004, Commission III, WG III/2.

 Large volume production of DTM at Kampsax India using PHOTOMOD — Issues and next steps. Alok Upadhyaya, Siddhartha Samal, Kampsax India Private Limited, 2003. (160 KB, PDF)

 The use of small-format and low-altitude aerial photos for the realization of high-resolution DEMs in mountainous areas: application to the Super-Sauze earthflow (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Volume 27, Issue 12, pages 1339–1350, November 2002


 Utilizacion De Photomod Lite Como Herramienta De Aprendizaje Del Metodo Fotogrametrico. Alvarez Parma. 2015. (334 KB, PDF)

 XV Anos De Experiencias En El Uso Del Programa Digital Fotogrametrico PHOTOMOD En El Ambito Profesional, Investigativo Y Docente En La Universidad Autonoma De Sinaloa; Campus Los Mochis, Mexico. Ciro Diaz. 2015. (150 KB, PDF)

 Education with PHOTOMOD Lite. Latvian University Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences. PHOTOMOD Lite Contest 2012.

 Education with PHOTOMOD Lite. Laboratory of Photogrammetry, School of Rural and Surveying Engineer, National Technical University of Athens. PHOTOMOD Lite Contest 2012.

 Campus UL: Elaboration of a map sheet in scale 1:10 000 of the Campus of the University of Lisbon according to the official norms of the Portuguese Authority for Cartography. University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geographic Engineering, Geophysics and Energy. PHOTOMOD Lite Contest 2012.

 Teaching photogrammetry with PHOTOMOD in the Technical University of Athens. Y. Yanniris, A. Georgopoulos, NTUA, Greek, 2010. (258 KB, PDF)

 Organization of training course: “Aerospace methods in forestry and landscape design” in Sochi State University using PHOTOMOD System. Prof. K.N. Makarov, Sochi State University of tourism and health resort business, Russia, 2006. (132 KB, PDF)

 Digital Photogrammetry at Graduated Study In UACEG. N. P. Draganova, G. E. Hristova, B. D. Marinov. UACEG, Faculty of Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria. ISPRS. Commission VI, WG VI/1. 2004

Forest Management

  Estimation of the mean tree height of forest stands by photogrammetric measurement using digital aerial images of high spatial resolution. I. Balenovic, A. Seletkovic, R. Pernar, A. Jazbec. ANNALS OF FOREST RESEARCH. 58(1), P. 125-143, 2015

  Application of PHOTOMOD Lite in estimation of forest stands’ structure elements. Ivan Balenovic, Croatian Forest Research Institute, 2013. Photomod Lite Contest. (PDF, 1 MB)

 Comparision of Classical Terrestrial and Photogrammetric Method in Creating Management Division I. Balenovich, A. Seletkovich, et al. FORMEC. Croatia 2012. P. 1-13.

 Digital Photogrammetry — State of the Art and Potential for Application in Forest Management in Croatia. I. Balenovich, et al. SEEFOR. ISSN 1847-6481. P. 81-93

 Regression Models of DBH Estimation for Photogrammetric Maesurement. I. Balenovich, A. Seletkovich, etc. Sumarski list, 3–4, CXXXVI (2012), 129–139, (Croatian).

 Digital photogrammetric systems application to the forest management. Treifeld R.F., senior engineer, Sevzaplesproekt, Philppov Y.V., Astrogis, St.-Petersburg, Russia, 2004. (146 KB, PDF)

Mapping and Cadastre

 Creation of Digital Topographic Maps of Industrial Area Based on Aerial Survey. T. Dedova, R. Zhetpissov, JSC “Kazgeocosmos”, Almaty, Kazakhstan. 2013. (1.7 MB, PDF)

 Updating GIS of Sofia Municipality Using UltraCamXp Images. S. Stoyanov. GIS Sofia Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria. 2012. (163 KB, PDF)

 Very high resolution imagery orthorectification for land parcel identification system using PHOTOMOD. T. Madzharova, GIS-Sofia, A. Angelov, Geodetect Ltd, Bilgaria, 2010. (900 KB, PDF)

  Making Orthophotomosaic about Tartu City with PHOTOMOD Program and Its Geometrical Quality. Natalja LIBA and Ina JARVE, Estonia. FIG Working Week 2009.

 Influence of digital camera errors on the photogrammetric image processing. Jurate Suziedelyte-Visockiene, Domantas Brucas. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. The Free Library, March 1, 2009

 Large scale orthophotoplan of Sofia municipality. K. Ivanova, Y. Nikolaeva, GIS-Sofia Ltd., Bulgaria, 2009. (30 KB, PDF)

 The biggest large-scale project in Bulgaria. V. Petrova, E. Palanova, K. Ivanova, T. Madzharova, Y. Nikolaeva, GIS SOFIA Ltd., Bulgaria, 2008. (1,7 MB, PDF)

 Creation of digital orthophotomaps in 1:25,000 scale for rural areas of Krasnoyarsk territory using SPOT 5 images. Koshechkin I.S., Nizhegorodtsev I.V., Gusliakova S.I., Glukhov О.V., East-Siberian subsidiary of FGUP Goszemkadastrsyomka (VISKHAGI), Irkutsk, Russia, 2007. (138 KB, PDF)

 Orthophotomaps creation in 1:25,000 scale in digital photogrammetric system PHOTOMOD using space imagery and quasi-GCP. Makarov А.P., Bykov L.V., Essin А.S., Osintseva T.V., Essin S.S., West-Siberian subsidiary of FGUP Goszemkadastrsyomka (VISKHAGI), Omsk, Russia, 2007. (138 KB, PDF)

 Experimental aerial photogrammetry with professional non metric camera Canon EOS 5D. Ante Sladojevic, Goran Mrvos, Galileo Geo Sustavi, Croatia, 2006. ( 1,9 MB, PDF)

 Update of digital map in 1:100,000 scale for Omsk Oblast Territory by space images using PHOTOMOD system. Osintseva T.V., Essin A.S., West-Siberian Federal state unitary enterprise Goszemkadastrsyomka ( VISHAGI), Russia, 2006.( KB, PDF)

 Digital orthophotoplans on the territory of Sofia Municipality. Tanya Madzharova, Katerina Ivanova, Mila Koeva, GIS SOFIA Ltd., Bulgaria, 2006. (120 KB, PDF)

 Practical experience of digital topographic mapping and orthophotos creation using PHOTOMOD software system. Serebryakov S.V., Nepeina N.N., Uralgeoinform, Russia, 2006. (129 KB, PDF)

 Production of map materials for automated system of state land cadastre on testing area of Megin-Kangalass ulus of Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Gromov М.О., Head of GIS and Automation Department, ZAO NPF GEO, Russia, 2006. (147 KB, PDF)

 Using PHOTOMOD software in specific airborne survey conditions and non-standard location of geodetic network. O. Timofeeva, Geoinformacia Ltd., Kemerovo, Russia, 2005. (150 KB, PDF)

 Geoinformational support of Novij Urengoj municipal area using remotely sensed data (abstract). Kharitonov V.G., Raikh V.I., Gromov М.О., ZAO NPK GEO, Omsk, Russia, 2005.(136 KB, PDF)

 Photogrammetric works for demarcation of Byelorussian-Lithuanian state border. I. Strashko, Belgeodesia enterprise, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, V. Kalenda, Aerogeodetic Institute, Kaunas, Republic of Lithuania(1 MB, PDF)

 Digital topographic mapmaking in 1:2,000 scale on urban and country settlements using PHOTOMOD system. Nizhegorodtsev I.V., Deputy director, Photogrammetric Department, Eastern-Siberian office of Goszemcadastersyemka, Irkutsk, Russia, 2004. (134 KB, PDF)

 Digital airborne images and video data processing using PHOTOMOD and ROSKAD software. A.P. Makarov, L. V. Bykov, West-Siberian Land Mapping Enterprise Sibzemkadastrsyemka, Omsk, Russia, 2004. (130 KB, PDF)

 Digital and analog techniques of topographic maps update in cartographic production. Kruchkov А.I., Geoinformational Systems enterprise of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Poleschuk R.М., Rukin А., digital photogrammetric center BelGeodezia, Minsk, Belarus, 2004. (875 KB, PDF)

 Application of satellite imagery for revision of topographic map of Sofia. A. Alexandrov, T. Hristova, K. Ivanova, M. Koeva, T. Madzharova, V. Petrova, GIS SOFIA Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria, 2004. (520 KB, PDF)

 PHOTOMOD application for linear objects technical inventory. Leonid V. Bykov, Tatyana V. Osintzeva, Ilya V. Boroditch, Siberian Land Mapping Enterprise Sibzemkadastrsyemka, Omsk, Russia, 2003.(102 KB, PDF)

 Creation of digital topographic-geodetic software for land use purposes using PHOTOMOD system. V.G.Kharitonov, M.O.Gromov, GEO Company, Omsk, Russia, 2003.(136 KB, PDF)

 PHOTOMOD in pipeline industry. Cartographic database creation for Ukrainian trunk pipelines GIS using photogrammetric methodology. Anatoly Mikhailenko, Svetlana Dorofeeva, VNIPITRANSGAS, Kiev, Ukraine. (249 KB, PDF)


 Remote sensing data application to the podometry. S.Mirov, A.Ivanov, Parnas Pro, T.Ogurtsova, E.Dukendjiev, Riga technical university, Riga, Latvia, 2004. (1 MB, PDF)


 Satellite images and geodetic measurements applied to the monitoring of the Horcones Inferior Glacier, Mendoza, Argentina. M. Gabriela Lenzano, Juan Carlos Leiva, Dario Trombotto, Luis Lenzano. Geoacta vol.36 no.1 Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires ene./jun. 2011

Road Building

  High way special mapping using digital photogrammetric system PHOTOMOD. N.S.Nikoforova, Mosgorgeotrest, V.M.Kurkov, MIIGAIK, Moscow, Russia, 2003. (248 KB, PDF)

Satellite Image Processing

 Building Canopus-V stereopairs. Alexey A. Peshkun, Chief Engineer, Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring, Russia, 2013, (19 MB, PDF)

 The Images Received from Space Vehicles Accuracy Comparative Study. Elena V. Kravtsova, Head of Photogrammetric Department, GIA Innoter, Russia, 2013 (160 KB, PDF)

  PHOTOMOD Digital Photogrammetric Station (DPS). Practical Application for the Kanopus-V Space Vehicle (SV) Camera Records Processing. E. Kravtsova. GIA INNOTER LLC, Moscow, Russia. 2012. (350 KB, PDF)

 Specifics of processing satellite imagery of different resolution (QuicKBird, Alos, Aster).in PHOTOMOD system. Ya.V. Razumova, SurgutNIPINeft, JSC Surgutneftegaz, Russia, 2008. (1,7 MB, PDF)

 Spaceborne stereo survey by IKONOS for urban planning. Kobzeva Е.А., UralGeoInform, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2007. (358 KB, PDF)

 Measurements of QuicKBird Imagery Accuracy (abstract). Adrov V.N., Karionov Y.I., Titarov P.S., RACURS, Kharitonov V.G., Gromov М.О., ZAO NPK GEO, Omsk, Russia, 2005 (156 KB, PDF)

UAS Data Processing

  Creating vegetation map using UAV at seaside ‘Palouki’ forest (Greece). Apostolos Nteris, Olyzon Consulting, Greece, 2013. PHOTOMOD Lite Contest. (PDF, 2,3 MB)

  UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). First Greek results. Y. Yanniris, Greece, 2012.
