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On Demand «digital photogrammetry» found 11 materials


Complete Digital Photogrammetric Workstation. The NEWEST version: 8.0.4861 x64 ( Download ).

Modified: 28.12.2024
Tags:  geoinformation , digital photogrammetry
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Bibliography of PHOTOMOD

... Adrov V.N, Chekurin A. D. New features of traditional technologies, SAPR and Graphics (Russia), # 8, 1999 Sharov A. Photogrammetric mapping on a personal computer with Win3D. PROGIS SoftSeller, February, 1996, pp. 4/19-4/21 Brandstaetter G., Sharov A. Digital photogrammetrie im Dienste der Geoinformation. PROGIS SoftSeller, V. 7, 1997, pp.10-13 Reflexions sur l'orthophotographie numerique XYZ n° 71, 2eme trimestre 1997, pp. 82-87 Jacques-Alain QUESSETTE, Salim BENMLIH, Michel MAUMONT. Qualite de la chaine photogrammetrique 100% numerique ...

Modified: 12.02.2019
Path: Main page / Press-center / Articles
PHOTOMOD Users Experience

Digital Photogrammetric Workstation PHOTOMOD | Aerial Image Processing | 3D Modeling | Archeology | Architecture and Construction ... ... Australian tropical savannas . Grigorijs Goldbergs, Stefan W. Maier., etc. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 75, March 2019, Pages 83-95. Technological Capabilities of DPW PHOTOMOD 6.0: Practice Implementation ...

Modified: 12.02.2019
Path: Main page / Press-center / Articles
Racurs Company participated in the United Nations World Geospatial Information Congress, November 2018, Deqing, China.

A few years ago the government of China decided to make Deqing a capital of geoinformation technologies and approached the issue with a truly Chinese scale. In the shortest time possible, just in 2 years,... ... sensing data. The second point of the program of the visit of Russian companies to China was one-day seminar “From imagery to digital reality: Digital China & Photogrammetry” in Nanjing, Jiangsu province. Participants traveled there on the-high speed ...

Modified: 05.12.2018
Tags:  Racurs , Conference , PHOTOMOD
Path: Main page / Press-center / News
How Fast Time Flies: A Quarter of a Century in the Geoinformation Market.

... 1995, would become one of the most known photogrammetric brands in the world. Of course, 25 years of work in the challenging geoinformation market couldn’t be completely cloudless. Along with the economic changes in Russia, our industry has also changed.... ... our users, partners, and friends to our 25th anniversary party. It will be celebrated at our conference “ FROM IMAGERY TO DIGITAL REALITY: ERS & Photogrammetry ” that will take place in Crete, Greece. This is quite insignificant in comparison with ...

Modified: 02.07.2018
Path: Main page / Press-center / News