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Complete Digital Photogrammetric Workstation. The NEWEST version: 7.51.4520 x64 ( Download ).

Modified: 06.06.2024
Tags:  geoinformation , digital photogrammetry
Path: Main page / Software products
PHOTOMOD Users Experience

... Processing DPW PHOTOMOD New! Limitations of high resolution satellite stereo imagery for estimating canopy height in Australian tropical savannas . Grigorijs Goldbergs, Stefan W. Maier., etc. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 75, March 2019, Pages 83-95. Technological Capabilities of DPW PHOTOMOD 6.0: Practice Implementation In the Cartographic Production . Diana Khaydukova. 2015. (150 KB, PDF) PHOTOMOD SW to Support the Studies, Preservation and Protection of the Calabrian Coast. Giuseppe Mezzatesta, Chief Executive, Reggio Calabria ...

Modified: 12.02.2019
Path: Main page / Press-center / Articles
Bibliography of PHOTOMOD

... Win3D. PROGIS SoftSeller, February, 1996, pp. 4/19-4/21 Brandstaetter G., Sharov A. Digital photogrammetrie im Dienste der Geoinformation. PROGIS SoftSeller, V. 7, 1997, pp.10-13 Reflexions sur l'orthophotographie numerique XYZ n° 71, 2eme trimestre ... ..., p.3. Rupert PENGELLEY. Adrov V.N, Chekurin A. D, Sechin A. Yu, Smirnov A. N, Adam-Guillaume J.-P, Quessete J.-P. Program PHOTOMOD: digital photogrammetry and stereoscopic image synthesis on a personal computer. Digital Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing'95,...

Modified: 12.02.2019
Path: Main page / Press-center / Articles
Racurs Company participated in the United Nations World Geospatial Information Congress, November 2018, Deqing, China.

... almost 240 km during 1 hour and 20 min. The seminar was organized by SmartSpatio and Jingyao IT on the basis of the private cartography company Xingyuejingyao cloud computing sci-tech Ltd and included presentations devoted to photogrammetry technologies PHOTOMOD and geoinformation technologies of KB Panorama. It a pleasant to note, that the name of the seminar is consistent with the name of the annual international conference of our company. As the result of the seminar Xingyuejingyao Company decided to equip the ...

Modified: 05.12.2018
Tags:  Racurs , Conference , PHOTOMOD
Path: Main page / Press-center / News
INTERGEO-2018: the same subject, the different event every year.

... the key platforms for industry dialogue around the world. INTERGEO covers a wide variety of fields, ranging from surveying, geoinformation, remote sensing and photogrammetry to complementary solutions and technologies. The long-term participation of ... ... in the field of collecting, visualizing and processing of spatial data. Following this, our company presented the new version PHOTOMOD 6.4. It not only satisfies the increasing demands of users for the speed and quality of remote sensing data processing,...

Modified: 10.11.2018
Tags:  Intergeo , Conference , Racurs
Path: Main page / Press-center / News