PHOTOMOD upgrade

PHOTOMOD 7.0 has changed Sentinel license to the latest version, thus it is necessary to install a new driver Sentinel LDK. This update is obligatory for all users of local and network keys. In case of the network key you have to update the driver on all PCs with PHOTOMOD installed and on the machine the key is attached to.
Change log 7.5.4236 - 7.51.4520
DPW PHOTOMOD & PHOTOMOD GeoMosaic 7.51.4520 x64
PHOTOMOD UAS 7.51.4520 x64
PHOTOMOD AutoUAS 7.51.4520 x64
PHOTOMOD AutoUAS 7.5.4268 x64 Linux (Ubuntu 18 and higher)
PHOTOMOD AutoUAS 7.5.4243 x64 Linux (Astra Linux 1.7, LMDE 4)
Sentinel Key

Run-time Environment Command-line Installer.
 Download (ZIP, 19 Mb)

Sentinel Key

Remote Update System
 Dowload (ZIP, 8 Mb)

Network hardlock key configuration
Geoid EGM2008
PHOTOMOD Neuro UAS 7.51.4520
PHOTOMOD Neuro 7.51.4520