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On Demand «interferometry» found 3 material


Software for processing remote sensing data, obtained by synthetic aperture radars (SAR) Latest update: 2.3.1 x64 ( Download )

Modified: 17.02.2025
Tags:  radargrammetry , interferometry
Path: Main page / Software products
PHOTOMOD Radar software for Sentinel-1 data processing

The technical availability of free Sentinel-1 radar imagery gives good opportunities for their use to solve a wide range of applied problems in the area of Earth remote sensing. This paper illustrates some PHOTOMOD Radar software package capabilities for Sentinel-1 imagery processing. The paper comprises several processing examples: • Digital elevation model creation by the two-pass interferometry method • Creating a surface type digital map by the interferometric method • Detecting surface...

Modified: 29.01.2021
Path: Main page / Press-center / News
PHOTOMOD Radar software for Sentinel-1 data processing

The technical availability of free Sentinel-1 radar imagery gives good opportunities for their use to solve a wide range of applied problems in the area of Earth remote sensing. This paper illustrates some PHOTOMOD Radar software package capabilities for Sentinel-1 imagery processing. The paper comprises several processing examples: • Digital elevation model creation by the two-pass interferometry method • Creating a surface type digital map by the interferometric method • Detecting surface...

Modified: 26.01.2021
Path: Main page / Press-center / Articles